We look forward to seeing you at the upcoming conference IMC-SSGP'25.
We are delighted to welcome all participants to the
IEEE International Multi-Conference on Smart Systems & Green Process
The conference covers a wide range of topics, including the analysis, modelling, control of smart systems and the design of environmentally-friendly processes.
The SSGP'25 serves as a platform for the world's leading researchers, industry experts, and professionals to exchange ground-breaking ideas, showcase the latest findings, and dig into the most recent advancements in smart systems and green processes.
The conference will take place in Hammamet, Tunisia
from October 30 to November 02, 2025.
SSGP’25 is an IEEE Conference (C.R.N: 67001) and financially sponsored by ASICS Association and IEEE Tunisia Section.
The conference is conducted by the ISSIG (Higher Institute of Industrial Systems of Gabes), the MACS research laboratory (Research Laboratory for Modeling, Analysis, and Control of Systems) and the LRGPSI research laboratory (Chemical Processes and Industrial Systems Research Laboratory).

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following
- AC: Automatic Control
- IST: Intelligent Smart Systems
- RA: Robotics & Automation
- AII: Artificial Intelligence & IoT
- SI: Signal & Image
- ACS: Advances in Communication Systems
- BSS: Blockchain for Smart Systems
- MSO: Modelling, Simulation & Optimization
- LNSA: Linear & Nonlinear System Analysis
- CPS: Complex Power Systems
- EMMS: Energy Management in Multi source Systems
- FCHEV: Fuel Cell and Hybrid Electrical Vehicle
- EHES: Energy Harvesting & Embedded Systems
- MD: Monitoring and Diagnosis
- GRE: Green & Renewable Energy
- WWT: Waste Water Treatment
- NMCCP: Nanomaterials for Catalysis and Chemical Processes
- EPMC: Environmental Pollution Monitoring and Control
- ASP: Advanced Separation Process
- SEC : Sustainable Energy Conversion
- HP: Hydrogen Production
- RACB: Resources Assessment & Circular Bioeconomy
- BE: Bioprocess Engineering
- BT: Biorefinery Technologies
- EST: Energy Storage Technologies
- AMGE: Advanced Materials for Green Energy
- PSM: Process Sizing & Modeling
- NAMP: Nanotechnology in Advanced Manufacturing Processes

Journal Publishing

Deadline for Paper Submission
July 31, 2025
Acceptance Notification
September 15, 2025
Final paper submission deadline
September 30, 2025
Early-bird Registration
October 15, 2025



Hammamet, Tunisia